
Showing posts from September, 2018

Creating Account Audit Reports for Filing on 30th September, 2018

Returning income tax is a necessary formality that liable individuals or businesses need to fulfill. The tax returning dates for the financial year 2017-18 has passed for individuals and non-corporate associations and now businesses have to file their ITR at the end of this month i.e. the 30 th of September. This day marks the filing period for businesses that require accounts auditing. Gupta Anoop & Co. stands out as the top financial advisors and tax consultants in India whose insight on taxation affairs and organizational audit report generation has empowered businesses to achieve intangible infinities of success and an opportunity to maintain market credibility.           While certain categories of individuals are exempted tax deductions and filing of returns, it is mandatory for business organizations to do the same irrespective of profit or loss. Thus to prevent any hassles in the process and adopt a seamless system ...